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Tips in getting a HubSpot Inbound Certification Exam

I just recently renewed my HubSpot Inbound Certification lately and honestly I didn’t pass the first time because I just took the test without studying, which honestly is a stupid mistake. I just relied on what I remembered the last time I passed this test and yes, there are still questions that had been carried over but some of which had been added and rephrased. So I had failed the test at 65% with no study whatsoever. Nonetheless, I still have two more tries to pass the test and on the second take, I passed it.

People ask me, “why do you need it?” It’s not about the “need”, but it’s a “want”. If you want to be proficient in inbound marketing, the inbound certification will truly teach you how to do things right. The topics are all about SEO, Landing Pages, Blogging, Conversion, Lead Nurturing, Email marketing, and all that fun stuff, but it’s given another twist which sets it apart from the usual convention. So if you are an entrepreneur, marketer, or just a simple developer like me who wants to learn the ins and outs of Inbound Methodology, then this is recommended for you.

So what will it take for you to get the exam? Just get an account on HubSpot and you are ready to go. The examination is free and it is available to anyone without any prerequisites. It consists of twelve (12) classes and each class has it’s own unique topic, but the all of the topics are connected to one another. It’s a self-paced class so you can study at your own leisure time.

Since I already passed the test, here are some tips to those people who are interested in getting the exam:

Allot a time to study

This exam includes 12 classes so it is recommended for you to allot a couple of your time to watch the video and study the course.

Do not rely on the downloadable slides

This is a common misconception on some people. The slides are there only for reference and you can’t find the answers there. You need to watch the video and use the slides just for reference for the discussion.

Study and Practice

The best way to learn is through experience. Once you’ve grasped the idea of the class, practice it even if it’s just on paper. You’ll clearly understand how stuff works if you yourself will be the one who will execute it.

Integrate your past experiences

Of course, as a marketer or entrepreneur, you’ll came across with some clients in the past that will be good for your examples. You’ll be able to understand and compare your previous methods over the one that you’ll learn in the certification.

Pass it

It’s a tall order knowing that you need a 75% and above to pass the certification but once you’ve passed it, you’ll see a difference on your methods and will make you rethink about your processes. After you had passed the test, you’ll receive a personalized badge and a certificate.

These are just some tips that I can give you but passing the test is in your hands. Good luck and I hope you will pass the exam.